How Do Chainsaw Chaps Actually Work?

Have you ever wondered how chainsaw chaps actually work to protect you? Well we certainly have.

When you first look at a pair of chaps you may be unsure how these partial pants could possibly stop a runaway chainsaw from cutting your leg. But there is a lot more to chaps than meets the eye. These chaps from STIHL are built with a three layer system. The bottom layer is a thick fabric that rests on top of your pants. The top layer is a thinner fabric that is designed to tear away if it comes into contact with a spinning chain. The middle layer is filled with loose fibers that grab onto the chain and quickly stop the blade from spinning before it can cut through the bottom layer.

All that sounds great but we wanted to see it for ourselves. That’s why we took a pair of chaps, a chainsaw and created our own test. Let us know what you think!